Quarters® Secret I originally played and learned Quarters in a drinking establishment in Bradford Penn. While my wife and I were enjoying each other's company, I met an elderly gentleman who showed me the game for the first time. After a couple of games, he said that he would only continue to play if I purchased a beer for him each game he won -- and he won every game -- except the last! After a half an hour and a case of beer, I learned the Secret! Since then, I have played Quarters many years without ever losing and have never met a person who could beat me. Now, the Secret is more than just a single rule to consider -- it is an overall strategy. It consists of three easy to remember rules and one absolutely "impossible-to-beat" move. While this program can demonstrate the game in the cold harsh light of day, it is another matter to play this game against another person. There are a lot of things to consider in judging your opponent's skill level and this program can only attempt to do that. In other words, if you know the strategy of the game, then you can beat the computer every time -- let alone another person. The Quarters’ secret is not free, but it's cheaper than a case of beer. So, if you want to know how to win every time, send $5 in United States Currency AND a self addressed stamped envelope to: SPERLING CORPORATION 600 Bluebell Drive Lansing, MI 48911 Please make checks payable to Sperling Corporation. -- While the postal authorities don't recommend it, we accept cash as well. Quarters is only meant as a game. While it could be used to make money in bar settings (if one is brave enough). It is not intended to promote gambling or to give anyone an unfair advantage in gaming -- which it does! Quarters is intended as a polite game to be played between friends and only requires 12 coins to play. If you have three dollars in quarters, then you can play this game anywhere and anytime. May playing Quarters be as entertaining for you, as it has been for me. Thank you. tedd PS: I would enjoy hearing what you think of Quarters. Please email comments to me at: tedd@sperling.com